Mon-Fri 9:00am - 6.00pm
27 Ashcroft Road
Luton, LU2 9AU
01582 721 531
FREEPHONE 0800 980 7151
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 7.00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
27 Ashcroft Road
Luton, LU2 9AU
01582 721 531
FREEPHONE 0800 980 7151


Acupuncture is a very old form of Chinese medicine with records going back 4000 years. It involves the insertion of pre-sterilized, disposable, fine needles into specific points of the body. These points are used to change the body's energy flow to improve its natural healing mechanism. 


Acupuncturists believe that you have energy in your body, called qi or chi. It runs in channels through the surface of the body, called meridians.

At certain points this energy is more accessible, though when the flow is interrupted, blockages develop. Therefore acupuncturists use areas of the body to change the energy flow if it's disturbed.

Acupuncture is a holistic therapy, aiming to treat the whole person rather than just the symptoms. As with the osteopathy, advice can be given about diet, nutrition, lifestyle and exercise. 

What Else can Acupuncture Treat?

  • Migraines and headaches
  • Musculo-skeletal injuries
  • Acute and chronic back pain

Head over to the WHO website to see a list of all conditions for which acupuncture has proven to be effective. 

If other forms of therapy haven't worked for you, then why not try the holistic approach? Give acupuncture a go and call us today to book your appointment. 

Does the Treatment Hurt?

The initial insertion of the needles can be slightly painful. Achieving the needling sensation which is a dull ache or itch, can also be painful though it's an indication that the treatment is actually doing something. 

Acupuncture needles are very fine so once they are inserted you will hardly notice them unless you move. We recommend that you do not move once the needles are in. :) 

What Will Happen on my First Visit?

On your first visit we will assess your general health. We also want to understand if you have any underlying health conditions so that we can provide you with the most effective treatment possible. We will ask about your current problems and symptoms, what treatment you have received so far, your medical history, sleeping patterns and emotional state. We may also ask about your family and diet, stress factors and other areas that may be relevant (but which don't always seem to have a link!). After we have gathered enough information about your general and specific issues, we can select the most effective points to use. Energies are flowing in your body along meridians therefore we will check your pulses on both wrists to determine the quality, rhythm and strength. We can also look at your tongue to get a better idea of your general health. 

We do this so that using the combination of your history, pulse and tongue, we can get an overview with specific ideas about what is happening in your body, where there are restrictions, blockages and disruptions. 

What Does it Feel like?

Acupuncture needles are not the same as the needles used for injections. They are solid and very fine. You often don't feel anything as the needle goes in but may feel a small pin-prick. Once the needle is in, some sensations may be experienced, from itching, tingling, a dull ache, to even a warm glow. 

We usually leave the needles in place for 20-40 minutes depending on the effect required. Whilst the needles are in you will often feel a heaviness in the limbs. The benefits of acupuncture frequently include more than just relief from a particular condition. You may also find that you have increased energy levels, as well as better appetite and sleep, and an enhanced sense of overall well-being. 

How Soon Does it Work?

Treatments can either be rapidly effective or it may take several sessions depending on both the individual and imbalance. 

If you are giving up smoking for example, you may find it helpful to have 2-3 treatments in the first week to give you more support in the initial stages, then once a week/month to maintain the effects. 

Ear Detox Treatment 

What Does it Do?

Ear acupuncture has been used to assist people with drug detox, such as alcohol, smoking and other substances. We also use it to assist as part of a weight control programme, as well as providing further advice on nutrition and diet. 

Ear acupuncture can help to relax your mind, body and spirit. It is therefore very effective at giving you an oasis of calm in an otherwise pressured and stressful life. 

According to the current guidelines we are not allowed to make claims that are not supported by clinical evidence, and currently this has not been a proven form of treatment. Despite that, it is used in many alcohol and drug centres around the world and the reports of its effectiveness mean that it has the potential to be a valuable alternative to drug therapy. 

What Happens in Treatment?

A consultation will be carried out so that the therapy can be tailored to suit you and your needs. 

Approximately five small, pre-sterilized needles will be inserted in one or both ears. We may insert a few other needles in selected points in your hands and feet if you are okay with that. These are then left in place for approximately 20-40 minutes whilst you relax.

Cosmetic Acupuncture 

Recently Glenn completed a course of training in facial enhancement acupuncture, non-surgical facelifts. There are really no side effects! Celebrities who are reported to have used this are Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow. Every patient we have treated has felt and seen an improvement, so if you want to avoid the worry of botox and its other side effects, why not book in?

Contact Us Now

You worked wonders in a short time. I thought I was going to have to cancel my Golf trip!!! I was back playing Golf in 3 visits!!
David Wheatley